
Sustainable Solutions
for Your Company

Unlock your business's full potential
with expert consulting from
Integrity Capital

We are

Integrity Capital

Integrity Capital is a newly established company that specializes in providing structured and corporate financial advisory services to clients seeking to make sustainable investments and prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in their business operations. As awareness of the impact of climate change, social inequality, and corporate governance on financial performance continues to grow, there is an increasing demand for financial advisory services that align with these values.

At Integrity Capital, we understand that sustainable investments and ESG considerations are not only the right thing to do but also make good business sense. Our team of experienced financial advisors has the expertise to provide customized solutions to help clients achieve their financial goals while ensuring a positive impact on the environment and society.

At Integrity Capital, we believe that our success is measured by the success of our clients. We are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the complex world of sustainable investments and ESG considerations to achieve their financial objectives while creating a positive impact on the world around us.

About us


Integrity Capital operates in the Balkan region, providing financial advisory services to clients in countries such as Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, and Croatia. Our team has a deep understanding of the region's economic and social landscape, allowing us to provide clients with tailored advice that meets their specific needs.

Our services include strategic financial planning, investment management, and risk management, among others. We work closely with our clients to identify their unique needs and goals and provide tailored advice that aligns with their values and preferences. Our commitment to integrity, transparency, and sustainability sets us apart from other financial advisory firms.

The name "Integrity Capital" was chosen deliberately to reflect the values and principles that guide our business. At Integrity Capital, we believe that financial advisory services should be delivered with the highest level of integrity, transparency, and accountability. We recognize that the world of banking and finance is constantly evolving, and we are committed to keeping pace with these changes while maintaining our commitment to responsible and sustainable investing.


solar panels

Sustainable Investments Consulting

Expert guidance to develop sustainable investments for your business with meaningful returns.

Financial chart

ESG Advisory

Advisory services to clients seeking to prioritize environmental, social, and governance (ESG) factors in their business operations.

Growing tree

Financial Advisory Services

Comprehensive financial advice and planning to optimize your business's financial performance.


Meet our founders

Saša Bešlić

Saša Bešlić

Saša Bešlić is a renowned sustainability and human rights activist with over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. He has worked for leading financial institutions such as AMB AMRO, Nordea Bank, and Bank J.Safra Sarasin , where he held various senior positions in sustainable finance and ESG investing. Sasja is also a published author, and his book Where the Money Tree Grows is a practical guide book on how to Invest climate smart. Also he is a frequent commentator in the media on sustainability and finance-related issues.

Vladimir Rajić

Vladimir Rajić

Vladimir Rajić is an accomplished banker and entrepreneur with over 20 years of experience in the financial industry. He has worked for a regional SME and Sustainable investments bank ProCredit in various countries in Balkan region, where he gained extensive experience in SME, corporate finance, and agriculture finance with special focus on Environmental and sustainable financing. Vladimir worked on various positions such as Head of Corporate and SME; Head of Credit Risk, Member of Management Bord - CRO, Member of Supervisory Board.


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